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Perspectives on Radical Awareness, the Art of Learning, Applied Strategic Thinking, and Living a Life of Excellence ...

The purpose of this blog is to offer an alternative perspective on life. Although, strictly speaking, my articles aren’t based on only one, but on many perspectives. I cover a broad range of topics from different angles in a variety of ways, putting a distinct focus on principles, strategies, tools of thinking, as well as modi operandi that aren’t part of how mainstream society commonly reflects upon and approaches everyday reality. The internet is crammed with shallow feel-good advice, as well as one-size-fits-all recipes for instant gratification and quick fixes that I’m not particularly fond of. For all intents and purposes, I’ve chosen to set the bar higher than that. So, if it is your primary goal to make your life just a little bit better without dipping your toes into that cold and terrifying area right outside your comfort zone, you might want to equip yourself with a big mug of hot chocolate in order to calm your nerves before you keep reading.

"Your past need not define your future.
Don’t be fooled though. It will, if you let it."

The stories I tell, the insights I offer, and the experiences I describe are geared toward giving you food for thought, points of reference, as well as useful directions that you won’ t be easily able to find anywhere else. If you’re looking for clues and impulses that bear the potential to help you create the most remarkable version of yourself that you’re capable of living, I consider you to be in the right place. Still, I have no intention to make any promises that I cannot account for. At the end of the day, how you harness the information I offer is up to you. As Bruce Lee worded it quite nicely: “Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” However, be sure to fully comprehend the concepts I talk about, before you try to come up with any adjustments or modifications. Choose what you do, or avoid to do, at your own discretion. And yet, always keep in mind that anything and everything is only worth the time and energy that you put into it as long as it effectively and efficiently promotes the kind of experience and exact outcome you’re looking for.

"Stop waiting for a reason. Make one up.
Act on it. Draw conclusions. Keep repeating."

"As long as I can remember, I’ve always had the impression that there must be a rebel living inside of me. He seemed to be small and rather shy at first, yet, as I grew up, he grew up, and, in a manner of speaking, he’s grown stronger and louder with every significant experience I’ve made. The way I’ve come to see it, it’s this rebel who’s responsible for pretty much everything that ever went wrong in my life, as well as each and every situation when I got myself into trouble, including all those moments when I felt misunderstood, mistreated, or handicapped. This rebel is the reason for all the resistance I’ve met, every obstacle I encountered, and every detour I took. I cannot blame him, though. I’m pretty sure it’s his body that I’m inhabiting. In fact, I have no doubt that this rebel has always been my higher self, trying to get through to me."